Saturday, 28 April 2012

Would You Hug A Bull?

No friends, I am not talking about a Bull with a nose ring. Im talking about a bulldog!

One thing that I have learned while educating myself more on Pitbulls and Pitbull breeds (or other bullies) is that they are often used and abused, or tossed to the wayside because they are "too much dog". Meaning that they have too much energy or are demanding of your time. News flash folks! If you are getting a dog, you are getting a 12 to 15 year commitment no matter what breed you decide on. However, if you walk up and down your local shelters you find large dogs and pitbulls/pit mixes. This being said it is so important for us Pitty lovers to know where our local rescue societies are.

My favorite is HugABull. And I recently became a volunteer for them. I have yet to volunteer at any events, but I am looking forward to it.

This weekend I attended the WestCoast Tattoo and Culture Show (yes I met Chris Nunez he touched my shoulder SQUEAL!) and there was a booth for Pinup Perfection Photography where the beautiful alternative model Lou'la Massacre was holding down the fort and raising money for HugABull. If you are in the Greater Vancouver area you should really go check this show out. Lots of funky vendors, and lots of great artists there!

This got me thinking... What more can and should I be doing  to help raise awearness for Pitbulls? Gears are turning.... Stay tuned! I can't tell you everything!

Kitty and Hemi

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